Lean IT Leadership

The Lean IT Leadership certification provides a principle-based methodology, which includes the Lean Leadership Development model, as well as the various Lean tools and techniques that supply guidance to organizations intent on becoming a Lean one. This certification enables Lean thinking, which can be applied to make any methodology more successful. This certification includes the actionable knowledge needed to ensure continuous improvement within an organization as it embraces Lean IT and strives for operational excellence. This includes evaluating existing processes to determine if they are efficient and effective, which is a major Lean differentiator.

Who is this for?

This certification is applicable to anyone interested in enhancing their leadership, mentoring, and team development skills based on Lean principles, values, and models.

Why get certified?

The Lean IT Leadership certification provides the fundamental knowledge and practical methodologies required to become an exemplary Lean IT leader who can enable an organization’s transformation to Lean IT that results in increased business value.


Completion of Lean IT Essentials is required.