DevOps Engineer

Described as more of a mindset than a framework, DevOps aims to eliminate the lines between existing IT silos to create a more collaborative relationship between Dev and Ops, allowing organizations to create greater business value with more streamlined processes, faster deployments, and more successful releases.

A key role in DevOps is the DevOps engineer, who manages the output of software development and introduces processes, tools, and methodologies to balance needs and requirements throughout the entire deployment pipeline. The role of a DevOps engineer is critical because, in addition to the duties mentioned above, they help establish a culture of experimentation and an environment of learning that enables the building, testing, and release of software to happen more rapidly, frequently, and reliably.

Who is this for?

This certification is designed for anyone in development and operations who wants to expand their skill set into the role of a DevOps engineer. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • IT architects
  • Operations analysts
  • Change managers’
  • Agile Scrum developers
  • SysOps engineers
  • IT team leaders
  • Software developers
  • Sysadmins and IT managers
  • Organizational change specialists

Why get certified?

As more and more organizations move toward DevOps, it is essential that the traditional specialists in development and operations expand their skill set into the role of a DevOps engineer. Simply put, an organization cannot succeed at DevOps without talented DevOps engineers.

The DevOps Engineer certification provides knowledge about the key characteristics, essential skills, and applicable tools necessary for today’s DevOps engineer.


There are no prerequisites for this certification.